Committed to
Housing Affordability
Ensuring Greenville achieves housing affordability solutions to meet the diverse needs of our growing economy and thriving community.
Our Funding Programs
Acquisition, Gap, & Bridge Financing
GHF finances the production and preservation of affordable and workforce housing units, both for-sale and rental, through new construction, substantial rehabilitation of vacant units, or conversion of non-residential buildings to residential use.
Homeowner Preservation Program
Our Homeowner Preservation Program (HOPP) assists low- and moderate-income homeowners in repairing their owner‐occupied homes. The goal is to preserve affordable homeownership for existing residents and ensure their health and safety.
Land Banking
The Greenville Housing Fund’s Land Bank Program (GHFLB) is designed to build vibrant communities in the Upstate through the creation of affordable housing opportunities, stabilization of property values, and the elimination of blighted properties.
Other Programs
Through partnerships with other affordable housing stakeholders like United Housing Connections, United Way, and Greenville County, we’re proud to offer various other programs that assist renters and landlords to obtain affordable and stable housing.
Cutting our affordable housing deficit in half—together
The Affordable Housing Coalition: a collective impact group aimed at increasing production and preservation of affordable housing units throughout Greenville County.
Our coalition members represent over fifty organizations in the affordable housing sector: private and non-profit developers, government and neighborhood leaders, and citizens. If you’re passionate about affordable housing and want to help reduce barriers and increase our community’s commitment to affordable housing, get involved today!

Where is Greenville’s affordable housing?
View affordable multi-family housing options across Greenville County.