Preserve Affordable Housing
In partnership with local housing nonprofits, we provide funds to help existing homeowners repair and improve their homes…and stay in their neighborhood.
The character of a neighborhood is built over time, and owner-occupants with deep roots and connections across the community provide a critical level of social stability. A strong network of homeowners can help keep a neighborhood safe, stable, affordable, and attractive to a diverse mix of residents, especially in the face of quickly changing demographics and/or gentrification.
GHF’s Homeowner Preservation Program (HOPP) is designed to assist low- and moderate-income homeowners in making critical repairs to their owner‐occupied homes. These funds can be used to correct health and safety issues, provide accessibility for disabled persons, repair or replace major home infrastructure, add energy efficiency measures, and address structural problems.

Homeowner Preservation Program Specifics
Who Can Apply?
GHF will provide grants of up to $10,000 to provide rehabilitation services to existing homeowners in target neighborhoods whose household incomes are primarily at or below 30% of Area Median Income.
Sponsors are encouraged to use other funding sources in conjunction with those from GHF and must provide a commitment letter of other funding at the time of application.
Funds can be used for:
Eligible repairs, including:
- Roofs
- Exterior Doors and Windows
- Handicap Accessibility
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Structural
- Floors
- Porches
- Exterior Surfaces
- Interior Surfaces