In In the News

Sharing a national story, but one that hits home in our community. Homeless rates hit double digits in 2024, according to this article in USA Today.

From the article, “more than 771,800 people lived without housing in 2024, according to a count taken annually on a single night in January. The number for January 2024 is 18.1% higher than in 2023, when officials counted about 650,000 people living in homeless shelters or in parks and on streets. In 2022, the population of people experiencing homelessness was about 580,000.”

These numbers underscore what we are seeing in our community. Rent rates have surpassed wages, and it forces people to make tougher and tougher choices. They are moving their families into smaller living quarters — often with other family members. They are having to move their children between schools often because of these unforeseen transitions.

What can you do?

For starters, support the Affordable Housing Coalition: a collective impact group aimed at increasing production and preservation of affordable housing units throughout Greenville County.

Our coalition members represent over fifty organizations in the affordable housing sector: private and non-profit developers, government and neighborhood leaders, and citizens. If you’re passionate about affordable housing and want to help reduce barriers and increase our community’s commitment to affordable housing, get involved today.


Affordable Housing Greenville