In In the News

Greenville City Council will vote tonight on buying $10.7 million worth of land off Church Street to commit to affordable housing.

This story broke late Friday afternoon (almost 5 p.m. late afternoon), and has created a lot of interest in our community as well as in the affordable housing world of Greenville.

Here are some of the stories from the Greenville Journal, WSPA, and Yahoo News.

So what is the City of Greenville doing?

“The city of Greenville plans to purchase a $10.7 million property in the Haynie-Sirrine neighborhood.

The more than six-acre vacant property is located at the corner of Church Street and Haynie Street, just south of the $1.1 billion, 40-acre Greenville County Square redevelopment. The site, previously owned by Stone Family Properties LLC, was placed on the market in June.”

In addition:

“A draft Haynie-Sirrine Master Plan was released to the public on Aug. 6. According to the neighborhood plan, a mix of commercial and residential development is recommended for the purchased property.

After the land purchase is approved, Greenville City Manager Shannon Lavrin foresees the city hiring a land planner to outline what could be developed on the property in the future. This development plan would be guided by the Haynie-Sirrine Master Plan and the neighborhood’s input.

The city’s Planning Commission is expected to host a public hearing and review the proposed Haynie-Sirrine Master Plan in September. If recommended, the plan will then go before City Council for adoption.”

Greenville Housing Fund Riley at Overbrook